Learning Resources
BCSP Guidelines - Accreditation of screening colonoscopists V1.5
Guidelines giving full details and criteria for accreditation of BCSP colonoscopy screeners
(28/06/2019 15:20:26)
BCSP Guidelines- Accreditation of Bowel Scope endoscopists v2.4
Guidelines giving full details and criteria for accreditation of BCSP Bowel Scope Endoscopists
(01/02/2018 11:42:26)
BCSP accreditation - application information
Information to help candidates and screening centres prepare for assessments
(01/08/2019 16:51:48)
BCSP accreditation - application process
This document outlines the process to apply for accreditation
(01/08/2019 16:51:33)
Assessors guide to completing feedback form online
(21/04/2017 10:52:52)
BCSP accreditation assessments: new DOPS and DOPyS forms
Summary of changes to DOPS and DOPyS forms 2016
(25/04/2017 10:34:25)
New screener request forms
New screener request form - Bowel Scope
Form to be completed to request a new Bowel Scope
(06/08/2019 15:59:45)
New screener request form - Colonoscopy
Form to be completed to request a new Colonoscopy
(08/02/2019 12:46:07)
Assessment forms
Assessor declaration and candidate feedback form
To be completed by assessor
(19/11/2019 13:19:47)
BCSA Summative DOPyS
To be completed by assessor
(24/02/2020 10:42:49)
BCSP summative DOPS
To be completed by assessor
(05/09/2017 13:34:24)
ENTS for Assessment
(01/11/2016 13:56:49)
BCSP Accreditation Panel - Terms of reference
Sets out the purpose and responsibilities of the accreditation panel
(16/10/2017 14:49:17)
EMR Equipment List
List of equipment commonly used for both upper and lower GI mucosectomy
(30/10/2013 12:13:26)
ICC 200EA Polypectomy – Forced Coag Snare Resection OPTION Gastrointestional Settings Chart
(30/10/2013 12:15:43)